Tagged: negative campaigning

Spare us the negative politics!

Vancouver Sun
April 17, 2013
Opinion Letters

In all the years I have been a voter, I have never dreaded an election campaign more; I will have to endure six weeks of opponent-bashing. I wish this were illegal. Attack ads are an insult to the intelligence of the voter.

Politicians should only be allowed to campaign on their platform and allow the voters to listen and make up their minds accordingly.

Attack ads are manipulative and voters know it. Tell us what you’re going to do if we vote you in and allow us to make up our own minds. We’re smarter than you think.

Angelika Dawson, Abbotsford

One isolated example cannot prove a general statement. Therein lies the flaw in attack ads, because this is what they try to do. An ad is repeated in the hope the public will accept this logical fallacy as the truth. In this way the target is demeaned and all he or she says is rendered toxic in the public eye.

Democracy requires fair debate on issues that affect us all so we can make an informed choice on election day. After a successful attack-ad campaign, this democratic essential is destroyed.

If truth is on your side, all you need do is present your ideas to the public. Purveyors of attack ads lack merit and do not deserve our vote.

Graeme Gardiner, Sidney

I am writing in regard to the negative political advertising on television.

Many people I have asked are against this form of electioneering because it makes the whole election process negative. I am also concerned it models poor behaviour to our younger generation.

A petition has also been started on Change.org that asks our government to ban this type of electioneering.

We cannot make change unless we let people know that we demand it.

Irene Williams, Smithers

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/opinion/letters/Voters+tire+negative+political/8251450/story.html#ixzz2QmiIcWLf